Hey there, it's been awhile. Sorry about that, as I've been pretty busy and a little burnt out working on this game.
What is Betrayed Fists?
Betrayed Fists is a 3D Beat Em' Up game inspired by the Yakuza (aka: Like A Dragon) series.
You play as Aidan, who participated in an Illegal Weapons Deal that quickly went south, causing him to get arrested and forced to stay within town.
His friend, Harry, is kidnapped and now Aidan needs to fight his way to find details about his friend's whereabouts.
Why should I play this game instead of Yakuza?
To be honest, I'm not quite sure.
I'm only really making this game due to the fact that there are little game like Yakuza on PC.
(Yes, I know that the games are on PC, but I mean games that are like Yakuza, but aren't exactly like Yakuza.)
But I think if you're a fan of Yakuza, you might like this game if you're looking for a fresh take of the (pre 7) Yakuza games
What do I have?
I've been working on this game since March of this year, so I have a lot implemented.
Combat System
Obviously, I have the combat system set up. There are no button combos or Rush Combos, but I'm not sure if I really want to add those. As it would require a rework of the current system and I'm too far into the project to add them.
But who knows, maybe I will.
Enemy AI
The Enemy AI in this game is probably the most advanced AI I've ever made as usually the AI in my other games mostly just walk towards you and hit you if you're close enough.
And most of the time they would group up into one big ball and were very horribly optimized
Though after taking some ideas from Miziziziz's devlog on optimizing his open world game I was able to make the game have a consistent framerate by making the Enemies update every couple milliseconds instead of every frame
I also made them be able to be Stunned, Knocked Down, Juggled, have Hyper Armor, get Fed up, have different amounts of Aggression and some other stuff as well.
Now while this does sound pretty basic, given my previous exprience with making Enemy AI, I'm pretty proud of what I've made.
Special Moves/Flow Actions/Flow Moves
Special Moves/Flow Actions/Flow Moves (I'll use them interchangably) are literally just Heat Action from the Yakuza games, though I'm doing a more PS2 Yakuza 1/2 method where it's just in and out.
Don't get me wrong, I really like the Heat Actions in all the games, but post Yakuza 5, a good chunk of them take like 10 seconds minimum and can get really annoying to do them (Looking at you Yakuza 5 Akiyama)
That plus with the fact that I'm still a beginner in animating stuff in Blender is why I'm taking the PS2 Yakuzas approach.
Flow Mode
I really like the Super Heat Mode in Yakuza 6 so I just put in Betrayed Fists
That's pretty much it, I don't have anything else to say about it.
When will the game release?
I'm not sure to be honest, as my last Open World game took me around 6 months from January to July and my still unreleased game, Unfinish- RPG took 9 months to even finish.
So I'm guessing around Mid 2025 is when Betrayed Fists will (hopefully) release, but I wouldn't count on it.
Anyways if you would like to continue following my progress, I sometimes upload clips of what I have onto my youtube, but either way that's all for today.